

The poem should be an original self composed creation on a picture whichwould be given on spotTEAM: SoloLanguage:-English, Hindi or KannadaWord limit:- 250-300 wordsParticipants are supposed to type the blog on a word document, blog title in14 font size and the blog in 12 font sizeThe poem should be an original work of the participant. …



Each team 2 studentsMain argument is 3 minutes for each teamRebuttal period is 2 minutes for each teamCross examination is for 2 minutes for each teamfinal statement is 2 minutes for each teamfinally Q&A to either team from audience is for 3 minutes


TEAM: 3 members per teamThere will be totally 3 rounds General Round , Rapid Fire Round , Buzzer ROUND 1:In case there is a tie additional round will be conducted i.e. round 4In this round each team has its own quota of 4 questions and other questionspassed to it from the previous team that did …

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RULES N REGULATIONS:-TEAM: SoloLanguage:-English, Hindi or KannadaWord limit:- 800-1000 wordsParticipants are supposed to type the blog on a word document, blog title in14 font size and the blog in 12 font sizeParticipants will be judged on the basis of content-originality, clarity,structure, overall impression, and researchThe decision of the judges shall be final and binding


TEAM: 2 membersTIME LIMIT:2 minOne member will draw the other will guessThe team to guess the highest number of words, letters or numbersThe phrase has to be described only through drawings


TEAM: SoloTIME LIMIT:15 minMonologue may or may not be the original work of the participantIf not the work of the participant, the participant must identify the title andauthor near the beginning of the pieceVulgarity is strictly prohibitedThe production can be in Hindi/English/KannadaThe OC should be informed beforehand in case participant wants to use anypropThe decision …

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Make an ad bruh

Entries for the “make an ad bruh “ are open to everyone.There will be a product given to all the groups and the group should come upwith a cinematic montage of the product.The group can have up to 10 members.The usage of Stock footage is not permitted

Photography Themed on nature

Entries for the Photography competition are open to everyone.Photos should be submitted within 3 hours of the time span from the start ofthe competition

Short film

Entries for the Short Film Festival are open to everyone.The Short Film should be based on topics given on the spot, we will not acceptanimated and/or Documentary Films.The short film can be in any language.The group can have up to 10 members.The total runtime of the Short Film, including opening & closing credits, shouldstrictly be …

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Reels making competition

Entries for the reels making competition are open to everyoneThe final video shouldn’t be more than that of 60sec or less than 30 secShould be an original idea that should be shot and edited within 3 hoursA group can have up to 4 members.The topic or the music which should be used will be given …

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