TEAM: 3 members per team
There will be totally 3 rounds General Round , Rapid Fire Round , Buzzer

In case there is a tie additional round will be conducted i.e. round 4
In this round each team has its own quota of 4 questions and other questions
passed to it from the previous team that did not answer.
A team gets 30 seconds to answer the question intended for it, and is awarded
20 points for answering it.
If the team, the question intended for gives a wrong answer, the points will be
If the team that the question intended for passes it. The next team/s get 15
seconds to answer it and is awarded 10 points for the right answer.
The team members can discuss before giving the answer. If a team cannot
answer a question they can pass it or after 30 seconds it gets automatically
passed to the next team

ROUND 2: Rapid Fire Round – Each team quota of 10 questions
In this round each team will be asked 10 questions one after another.
On the immediate completion of a question, each team gets 5 seconds to
answer it. If a team is not able to answer a question, they can pass it for the
next question.
There is no team discussion in this round. 10 points is awarded for the correct
No negative points for the wrong answer. Once a question is passed the team
cannot give an answer later.
No buzzer is used in this round.

ROUND 3: Buzzer Round – Ten questions in all
10 questions will be fired at all the teams one after another
The teams can discuss among themselves and then press the buzzer/bell to
answer the question first. No discussion is allowed after pressing the buzzer.
The team that presses the buzzer/bell first gets a chance to answer it. 10
points for the correct answer and minus 5 points for the wrong answer. If a
team doesn’t answer or gives a wrong answers after they press buzzer they
also lose 5 points.

If a team presses the buzzer before the question is over they will be asked to
answer it without the question being completed. The question has to be
answered in 20 seconds.
If a question is not answered by the first team who pressed the bell. The team
that pressed the bell next gets to answer.
There are no choices in this round.
If two teams press the buzzer/bell together there will be a pull of cards to
decide who gets the chance to answer if. If the first team answers it correctly
they get a point. If they give a wrong answer they lose 5 points and the next
team that pressed the buzzer gets to answer.

ROUND 4: In case of a tie

In case of a tie after the round, the tied teams get into a buzzer/bell round.
Rules are similar to buzzer round If a team answer right they get 25 points. If
they answer wrong they get minus 25 points

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